전체 글 썸네일형 리스트형 10/27/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/27/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Japanese Hot Pot _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶dish /dish/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌dip (verb) - to put something into a liquid for a short time Example: She dipped the brush into the paint. 📌beat (verb) - to mi.. 더보기 10/26/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/26/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: More Talking Points E-G (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶expand /ik-spand/ ▶expend /ik-spend/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌count on someone (phrasal verb) - to be confident tha.. 더보기 10/25/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/25/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #8 to More Talking Points D (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶expand /ik-spand/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌make the bed (phrase.. 더보기 10/24/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/24/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Air travel controversy: Passengers who recline their seats on flights are seen as 'rude' Website: https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/air-travel-controversy-passengers-recline-seats-flights-rude _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶abrupt /uh-bru.. 더보기 10/21/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/21/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Sardinia: This idyllic Mediterranean island will pay you $25,000 to move there Website: https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/destinations/europe/italy/129944824/sardinia-this-idyllic-mediterranean-island-will-pay-you-25000-to-move-there _________________________________ 🎧 .. 더보기 10/20/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/20/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Pet Peeves _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶pet peeve /pet-peev/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌pet peeve (noun) - something that especially annoys you Example: Weak coffee is one of my pet peeves. ______________________.. 더보기 10/19/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/19/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #7 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶cafeteria /kaf-i-teer-ee-uh/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌canteen (noun) - a place in an off.. 더보기 10/18/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/18/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #6 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶breath /breth/ ▶breathe /breeth/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌arrival (noun) - the introduct.. 더보기 10/17/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/17/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Indonesia football stadium disaster: police chief sacked as investigation launched Website: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/03/indonesia-football-tragedy-questions-mount-over-police-response _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶inspi.. 더보기 10/14/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/14/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Indonesia football stadium disaster: police chief sacked as investigation launched Website: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/03/indonesia-football-tragedy-questions-mount-over-police-response _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶indon.. 더보기 10/13/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/13/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Superstitions _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶crow /krow/ ▶bouquet /bow-kay/ ▶jinx /jingks/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌jinx (noun) - bad luck, or a person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck Example: There m.. 더보기 10/11/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/11/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent team building _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶steep /steep/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌team building (noun) - collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations Example: The comp.. 더보기 10/06/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/06/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Have you ever… _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶deny /duh-nide/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌deny (verb) - to say that something is not true; to not admit that you have knowledge, responsibility, feelings, etc. Example.. 더보기 10/05/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/05/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #4-5 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶hypothetical /hai-puh-thet-i-kuhl/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌conduct (verb) - to organi.. 더보기 10/04/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/04/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #2-3 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶procrastinate /proh-kras-tuh-neyt/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌treatment (noun) - the pro.. 더보기 09/30/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/30/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Moonlighting: Why Indian firms don't want workers to have two jobs Website: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62978201 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶firm /furm/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌take up (phras.. 더보기 09/29/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/29/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Adulthood _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶cosmetic /koz-met-ik/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌hear of (phrasal verb) - to hear of something is to become aware of it or to know that it exists Example: It's a tiny countr.. 더보기 09/28/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/28/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Express Yourself #1 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶duvet /doo-vey/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌use up (phrasal verb) - to use all of something.. 더보기 09/27/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/27/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Comprehension #3 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶quote /kwoht/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌quote (noun) - the price that a person or company sa.. 더보기 09/26/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/26/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Pumpkin spice among new Merriam-Webster entries Website: https://www.cambridgetoday.ca/around-ontario/beyond-local-pumpkin-spice-among-new-merriam-webster-entries-5799394 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶endearing /en-deer-ing/ ____________.. 더보기 09/23/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/23/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Pumpkin spice among new Merriam-Webster entries Website: https://www.cambridgetoday.ca/around-ontario/beyond-local-pumpkin-spice-among-new-merriam-webster-entries-5799394 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶pastry /pey-stree/ ▶subvariant /sub-.. 더보기 09/22/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/22/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Childhood Personality _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶outrageous /out-rey-juhs/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌detail-oriented (adjective) - very interested in and paying a lot of attention to details Example: The succe.. 더보기 09/20/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/20/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad - Comprehension #1-2 (page 21) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶perseverance /pur-suh-veer-uhns/ ▶fabricate /fab-ri-keyt/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌stiff .. 더보기 09/19/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/19/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96 at Balmoral Website: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/09/08/queen-dead-age-96-royal-family-balmoral-buckingham-palace/ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶reigning /rey-ning/ ▶monarch /mon-ahrk/ ▶pl.. 더보기 09/16/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/16/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96 at Balmoral Website: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/09/08/queen-dead-age-96-royal-family-balmoral-buckingham-palace/ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶heir /air/ ________________________________.. 더보기 09/15/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/15/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Food and Eating _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶strict /strikt/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌in (someone or something’s) place (phrasal verb) - instead of someone or something else; as a substitute for someone or some.. 더보기 09/14/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/14/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 02 Good Habits and Bad (page 20) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶repetitive /ri-pet-i-tiv/ ▶fabricate /fab-ri-keyt/ ▶perseverance /pur-suh-vee-ruhns/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌.. 더보기 탐구하기 어떤 문제를 풀어나가고 싶은가, 나는 어느 영역에서의 진보에 기여하고 싶은가? 삶의 방향성을 정할 것. 선택하고 집중할 것. 더보기 09/13/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/13/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Points to Ponder #8 (page 15) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶criticism /krit-uh-siz-uhm/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌rearview mirror (noun) - a mirror that allows a drive.. 더보기 09/08/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/08/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Hometown _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶terrain /tuh-reyn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌field (noun) - an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, Example: The farmer put up the fence to stop people f.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ··· 33 다음