전체 글 썸네일형 리스트형 07/27/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/27/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #18-19 to Opinion Sample #1 (page 9-10) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶acquaintance /uh-kweyn-tns/ ▶expectancy /ik-spek-tuhn-see/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY W.. 더보기 07/26/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/26/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #15-17 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶pastor /pas-ter/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌philosophy (noun) - the way that someone thinks about life a.. 더보기 07/25/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/25/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: The world’s most powerful passports in 2022: Japan top for fifth year in a row, as Asian countries dominate Website: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/travel-leisure/article/3186024/worlds-most-powerful-passports-2022-japan-top-fifth-year ______________________________.. 더보기 음 공익을 위한 일을 하면서 부자가 될 수 있는 일?! 🤔🤔 더보기 07/22/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/22/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: World population to reach 8 billion this year: UN Website: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220719000799 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶opposition /op-uh-zish-uhn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌projected .. 더보기 07/21/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/21/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: If a genie could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be? _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶decent /dee-snt/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌dress code (noun) - a set of rules for what you can wear Example: My school had a.. 더보기 07/20/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/20/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #13-14 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶frugal /froo-guhl/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌frugal (adjectiv) - careful to use only as much money, foo.. 더보기 07/19/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/19/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #11-12 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶tiramisu /tir-uh-mee-soo/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌shortcake (noun) - a type of cake that is often ser.. 더보기 07/18/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/18/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Topic: South Korea catches 'Spursmania' for Son Heung-min and Tottenham's preseason tour Website: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/15/football/tottenham-hotspur-son-heungmin-south-korea-spt-intl/index.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶mania/me.. 더보기 07/15/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/15/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Topic: Digital detox leads to better health and lifestyle Website: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2203/220314-digital-detox.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶catalyst /kah-tuh-list/ ▶bygone /bai-gawn/ ▶ample /am-pl/ ▶ampoule /am-pyool/ _____.. 더보기 07/14/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/14/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Book: Movies _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶neglected /ni-glek-tuhd/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌neglected (adjective) - not receiving enough care or attention Example: The badly neglected paintings have all been carefull.. 더보기 07/13/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/13/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #9 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶carbohydrate /kahr-boh-hai-dreyt/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌on the dot (idiom) - exactly at the stated or e.. 더보기 07/12/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/12/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #8 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶choke /chowk/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌shy (adjective) - not at ease with other people especially in publi.. 더보기 07/11/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/11/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: India bans single use plastic Website: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/01/india/india-bans-single-use-plastic-intl-hnk/index.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶choke /chowk/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌litterin.. 더보기 07/08/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/08/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Airbnb announces ‘work from anywhere policy’ for staff Website:https://7news.com.au/business/airbnb/airbnb-announces-work-from-anywhere-policy-for-staff-c-6629818 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ affinity /uh-fin-i-tee/ ▶ destination /des.. 더보기 07/07/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/07/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: What kind of music do you like? _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ relatable /ri-leyt-uh-buhl/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌relatable (adjective) - that someone can understand or feel sympathy for Example: One of the r.. 더보기 07/06/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/06/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #7 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ portable /por-tuh-bl/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 portable (adjective) - light and small enough to be easil.. 더보기 07/05/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/05/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Lifestyles - Express yourself #6 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ acne /ak-nee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 bitter (adjective) - with an unpleasantly sharp taste Example: Th.. 더보기 07/04/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom 💎Date: 07/04/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Website: www.theguardian.com/media/2022/may/03/record-28-countries-rated-very-bad-in-press-freedom-index Topic: Record 28 countries rated ‘very bad’ in press freedom index _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ regime /ruh-zheem or ruh-jeem/ ▶ ally /a.. 더보기 07/01/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 07/01/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Website: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inflation-packages-shrinking-shrinkflation-2022/ Topic: Smaller boxes in the cereal aisle? Say hello to shrinkflation. _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ proliferate /pruh-lif-uh-reyt/ ▶ accelerate /ak-sel-uh-r.. 더보기 6/30/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 6/30/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: 3 things you want to do by the end of the year _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ valuably /val-yoo-uh-blee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 valuably (adverb) - In a valuable way, or in a way that adds value Example: How d.. 더보기 6/29/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 6/29/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate Book: Express Yourself 1 Topic and Page: Lifestyles - Express Yourself 4-5 (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ turquoise /tur-koiz/ ▶ emerald /em-ruhld/ or /em-er-uhld/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 anesthesia - is the use of.. 더보기 6/28/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 6/28/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate Book: Express Yourself 1 Topic and Page: Lifestyles (page 9) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ extremely /ik-streem-lee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 meet up (phrasal verb) - to come together with someone, either unexpectedly or as.. 더보기 6/27/2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 6/27/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Website: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/06/business/four-day-week-trial-uk/index.html Title: The world's biggest four-day work week pilot begins _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ edge /ej/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 sum.. 더보기 June 23, 2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeon Yeom 💎Date: 6/23/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Edinburgh _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ reminisce /rem-uh-nis/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 reminisce (verb) - to talk, think, or write about enjoyable experiences in your past Example: We spent the evening reminis.. 더보기 June 21, 2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom (Sujeong) 💎Date: June 21, 2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate Book: Express Yourself 1 Topic and Page: Lifestyles (page 8) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ worldly /wurld-lee/ ▶ authority /uh-thawr-i-tee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 1. authority (noun) - the power to make decis.. 더보기 June 20, 2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom (Sujeong) 💎Date: June 20, 2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Website: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2205/220530-japan-tourism-5.html Topic: Japan opens to foreign tourists after two years _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ long-sightedness /lawng-sahy-tid-ness/ ▶ closure /kloh-zher/ _________.. 더보기 June 17, 2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom (Sujeong) 💎Date: June 17, 2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Website: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2205/220509-eye-drops.html Title: New eye drops improve vision without glasses _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ pharmaceutical /fahr-muh-soo-ti-kuhl/ ▶ presbyopia /prez-bee-oh-pee-uh/ ▶ lasik.. 더보기 June 16, 2022 💎Student's Name: Soojeong Yeom (Sujeong) 💎Date: June 16, 2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Give me 3 sentences that describe you. _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ jiu-jitsu /joo-jit-soo/ ▶ melodramatic /mel-uh-druh-mat-ik/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 1. Up to par (idiom) - good enough : as goo.. 더보기 퍼펙트25 영어말하기 여행가고 싶어지기 시작했어. I started wanting to travel abroad again. I feel an itch to travel abroad again. 초등학교 때, When I was elementary, 나 말고 다른 친구들은 Everybody except for me could read a music note. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ··· 33 다음