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03/29/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/29/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 1-4 (page 38) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌laundromat (noun) - typically a self-service facility where you can wash and dry your clothes using coin-operated machines Example: I need to do my laund.. 더보기
03/28/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/28/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Let’s Talk Funny + Questions (page 37) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌work out (phrasal verb) - to be successful or to result in a positive outcome. Example: I hope the new marketing strategy will work out well for .. 더보기
03/27/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/27/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Copenhagen is the world’s No. 1 city for work-life balance and pay, says new research—New York isn’t far behind Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/02/copenhagen-is-the-worlds-no-1-city-for-work-life-balance-and-pay.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATI.. 더보기
03/24/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/24/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: This country wanted a 69-hour workweek. Millennials and Generation Z had other ideas Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/18/asia/south-korea-longer-work-week-debate-intl-hnk/index.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶vociferous /voh-sif-.. 더보기
03/23/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/23/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Culture and Cultural Differences _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌honk (verb) - if a car horn honks, it makes a short, loud sound Example: I heard a loud honk from the car behind me while driving on the highway. 📌pedestrian crossing/lane (noun) - a .. 더보기
03/22/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/22/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Read & Discuss - Questions (page 36) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌justified (adjective) - having a good reason for something Example: The punishment was justified given the severity of the offense. 📌assisted suici.. 더보기
03/21/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/21/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Read & Discuss - Discussion (page 36) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶acne /ak-nee/ ▶deteriorate /dih-teer-ee-uh-reyt/ ▶doses /dow-suhz/ ▶euthanasia /yoo-thuh-ney-zhuh/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCAB.. 더보기
03/20/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/20/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Michelle Yeoh makes history with best actress Oscar win Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/12/entertainment/michelle-yeoh-oscars-winner/index.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌hostile (adjective) - unfriendly and not liking something Examp.. 더보기
03/17/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/17/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'SaLESSON: Course: Article English Title: Michelle Yeoh makes history with best actress Oscar win Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/12/entertainment/michelle-yeoh-oscars-winner/index.html _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶gushed /guhsht/ ▶entrepreneur /ahn-truh-pruh-nur/ ▶beleag.. 더보기
03/16/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/16/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent trip _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: Last one was the place of the person who was painter around 2 or 300 years ago. He was famous in Joseon dynasty. He went back to his hometown and build some house. ✔Better say: The last pl.. 더보기
03/15/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/15/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Read & Discuss (page 36) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶euthanasia /yoo-thuh-ney-zhuh/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌cold sore (noun) - a painful, red swelling, especially on the lips o.. 더보기
03/14/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/14/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Dialog to Questions (page 35) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌deliberate (adjective) - intentional or planned Example: We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while. 📌isometric exercise (noun) - refers to a.. 더보기
03/13/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/13/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent trip _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌flock (verb) - to move or come together in large numbers Example: Hundreds of people flocked to the football match. 📌downside (noun) - the negative part of a situation Example: It’s a great plan – the dow.. 더보기
03/06/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/06/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Google, Microsoft and More Tech Leaders Announce Job Cuts Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/google-microsoft-and-more-tech-leaders-announce-job-cuts/LQ_8wps4Ee2rsBvwqGTnUQ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌job cuts (noun) - a re.. 더보기
03/03/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/03/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: More US Restaurants Offering Monthly Subscriptions Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/more-us-restaurants-offering-monthly-subscriptions/dgQeCrKxEe2GmS-Yoj3zBA _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶michelin /mi-shuh-luhn/ ▶ques.. 더보기
03/02/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 03/02/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Change _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 domestically (adverb) - inside a particular country rather than in other countries Example: The movie made $76 million domestically but only $1.3 million abroad. _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE .. 더보기
새롭게 알게 된 것 아침에 일어나자마자 딱 세수만하고 책상에 앉아서 강의 들을 때, 효율이 꽤 높다! 회사 다니면서 출근하고 진빠지는 경험을 많이 했는데 출근 하는 데 질 좋은 내 집중력이 다 날아갔구나 싶다. 너무 값진 시간이 낭비됐다. 아까워 더보기
02/27/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/27/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Olympic Committee Seeks Way to Let Russians Compete Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/olympic-committee-seeks-way-to-let-russians-compete/mruPzLILEe2pkpN0Ac6XEg _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌 fifth (noun) - one of five equal.. 더보기
02/24/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/24/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Olympic Committee Seeks Way to Let Russians Compete Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/olympic-committee-seeks-way-to-let-russians-compete/mruPzLILEe2pkpN0Ac6XEg _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶ally /AL-eye/ _____________.. 더보기
02/22/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/22/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Opinion Samples #2 (page 34) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶command /kuh-MAND/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌prey on something (phrasal verb) - to hurt or deceive a group of people, esp.. 더보기
02/21/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/21/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Opinion Samples #1-2 (page 34) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶prescribe /pruh-skribe/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌inconsistent (adjective) - not staying the same in behaviour or quali.. 더보기
02/20/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/20/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Schoolbags Are Too Heavy, Say Japanese Children Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/schoolbags-are-too-heavy-say-japanese-children/0Rq5YqxwEe2cjt-7cxADqQ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶leather /leh-thr/ __________________.. 더보기
02/17/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/17/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: What a Surprise: Sarcasm Is 'Evidence of Maturity' Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/what-a-surprise-sarcasm-is-evidence-of-maturity/rQMeToixEe2TP0dNdrvLSw _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶figuratively /fig-yer-uh-tiv-lee.. 더보기
02/16/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/16/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Happiness _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶volition /voh-lish-uhn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌volition (noun) - the power to make your own decisions. It refers to the act of making a conscious choice or decision Exam.. 더보기
02/15/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/15/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #20 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶psychiatrist /sai-kai-uh-trist/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌exploit (verb) - benefit unfairly from the work of (someone),.. 더보기
02/14/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/14/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Topic: Valentine’s Day _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌compensate (verb) - to pay someone money in exchange for work done, for something lost or damaged, or for some inconvenience Example: Our company tries to keep salaries low, and they compensate employees more with bonuses.. 더보기
02/13/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/13/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Data Shows Thousands of Languages May Soon Be Extinct Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/data-shows-thousands-of-languages-may-soon-be-extinct/bZY2arR3EeyotB_K_mQ-sA _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌dedication (noun) - the willi.. 더보기
02/10/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/10/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Turkey earthquake: Death toll could increase eight-fold, WHO says Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64533851 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶organization /awr-guh-nuh-zey-shuhn/ ▶combing /kohm-ing/ _______________________________.. 더보기
02/09/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/09/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Favorites _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: Because of the muscle pain from the exercising yesterday, I couldn’t sleep well in the night. ✔Better say: Because of muscle pain from yesterday’s exercise, I couldn’t sleep well last night... 더보기
02/08/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/08/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #15-19 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶diabetes /dai-uh-bee-teez/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌faith healing (noun) - the belief that sick people can be cured.. 더보기