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02/21/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/21/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Opinion Samples #1-2 (page 34) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶prescribe /pruh-skribe/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌inconsistent (adjective) - not staying the same in behaviour or quali.. 더보기
02/20/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/20/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Schoolbags Are Too Heavy, Say Japanese Children Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/schoolbags-are-too-heavy-say-japanese-children/0Rq5YqxwEe2cjt-7cxADqQ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶leather /leh-thr/ __________________.. 더보기
02/17/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/17/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: What a Surprise: Sarcasm Is 'Evidence of Maturity' Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/what-a-surprise-sarcasm-is-evidence-of-maturity/rQMeToixEe2TP0dNdrvLSw _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶figuratively /fig-yer-uh-tiv-lee.. 더보기
02/16/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/16/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Happiness _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶volition /voh-lish-uhn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌volition (noun) - the power to make your own decisions. It refers to the act of making a conscious choice or decision Exam.. 더보기
02/15/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/15/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #20 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶psychiatrist /sai-kai-uh-trist/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌exploit (verb) - benefit unfairly from the work of (someone),.. 더보기
02/14/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/14/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Topic: Valentine’s Day _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌compensate (verb) - to pay someone money in exchange for work done, for something lost or damaged, or for some inconvenience Example: Our company tries to keep salaries low, and they compensate employees more with bonuses.. 더보기
02/13/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/13/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Data Shows Thousands of Languages May Soon Be Extinct Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/data-shows-thousands-of-languages-may-soon-be-extinct/bZY2arR3EeyotB_K_mQ-sA _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌dedication (noun) - the willi.. 더보기
02/10/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/10/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Turkey earthquake: Death toll could increase eight-fold, WHO says Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64533851 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶organization /awr-guh-nuh-zey-shuhn/ ▶combing /kohm-ing/ _______________________________.. 더보기
02/09/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/09/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Favorites _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: Because of the muscle pain from the exercising yesterday, I couldn’t sleep well in the night. ✔Better say: Because of muscle pain from yesterday’s exercise, I couldn’t sleep well last night... 더보기
02/08/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/08/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #15-19 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶diabetes /dai-uh-bee-teez/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌faith healing (noun) - the belief that sick people can be cured.. 더보기
02/07/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/07/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #11-15 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶physician /fi-zish-uhn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌physician (noun) - a medical doctor, especially one who has genera.. 더보기
02/06/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/06/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Toymakers Are Making More Toys for Adults Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/toymakers-are-making-more-toys-for-adults/rlLrnIEBEe2pxMvPkgfkLg _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶endeavor /en-dev-er/ ▶fades /feydz/ ▶encouraged.. 더보기
02/03/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/03/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: A YouTuber cured 1,000 blind people for a video. But is it performative altruism? Link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2023/02/01/mrbeast-cures-blind-people-video-why-its-receiving-backlash/11161719002/ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNC.. 더보기
02/02/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/02/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Who is the greatest…? _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶laborer /ley-ber-er/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌laborer (noun) - a person who does unskilled physical work, especially outside Example: His parents had been scho.. 더보기
02/01/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 02/01/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #8-10 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶intestine /in-tes-tin/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌hospitalize (verb) - to take someone to hospital and keep them there.. 더보기
01/31/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/31/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #5-7 (page 33) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌finish (verb) - to complete something or an activity Example: He finished his meal in just three minutes. 📌end (verb) - used to talk about stopping some.. 더보기
01/30/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/30/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Toymakers Are Making More Toys for Adults Link: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/toymakers-are-making-more-toys-for-adults/rlLrnIEBEe2pxMvPkgfkLg _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶themed /theemd/ _______________________________.. 더보기
01/27/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/27/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: The ozone layer is on track to recover in the coming decades, the United Nations says Link: https://www.npr.org/2023/01/10/1147977166/ozone-layer-recovery-united-nations-report _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶phaseout /feyz-out/ ▶deplete /.. 더보기
01/26/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/26/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Giving advices _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶lose /looz/ _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: It’s important what make the person concentrate on, what kind of thing they can enjoy with the spending time. ✔Be.. 더보기
01/25/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/25/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent events _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: I hasn't sunk in. ✔Better say: It hasn't sunk in yet. ✖You said: I just got arrived in my home in Seoul from my parent’s house in Daejeon. ✔Better say: I just arrived home in Seoul from .. 더보기
01/20/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/20/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent News _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌bad blood (noun) - feelings of hate between people; bitterness Example: There's been a lot of bad blood between them since their quarrel.\ 📌catch up (phrasal verb) - to reach the same quality or standard .. 더보기
01/12/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/12/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Song Heung Min’s Dad on You Quiz on the Block _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌scorched (adjective) - slightly burned, or damaged by fire or heat Example: I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 📌clay pot (noun) - cooking pot made from clay Examp.. 더보기
01/11/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/11/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself #4 (page 33) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌tonic (noun) - is a liquid medicine that makes you feel stronger, healthier, and less tired. Example: Britons are spending twice as much on health tonics .. 더보기
01/10/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/10/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Issue 03 - Health to Comprehension #3 to Express Yourself #3 (page 33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶dietician /dai-uh-ti-shn/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌curb (verb) - to control or.. 더보기
01/09/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/09/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Why Everyone's Obsessed With ChatGPT, a Mind-Blowing AI Chatbot Link: https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/why-everyones-obsessed-with-chatgpt-a-mind-blowing-ai-chatbot/ _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶stilted /stil-tid/ ▶omniscient /om-nis.. 더보기
01/06/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/06/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: New year: Tributes to late Queen as fireworks welcome in 2023 Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64137444 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶undeterred /uhn-dih-turd/ ▶chimes /chaym/ ▶barrage /buh-rahzh/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOC.. 더보기
01/05/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/05/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Son Heung Min and New Year’s Resolutions _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶spontaneously /spon-tey-nee-uhs-lee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌weight off one's shoulder (idiom) - you can say a weight is off your shoulders.. 더보기
01/04/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/04/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 6 to Issue 03 - Health to Comprehension #2 (page 32-33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶aggravate /ag-ruh-veyt/ ▶adequate /ad-i-kwit/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌aggra.. 더보기
01/04/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/04/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 6 to Issue 03 - Health to Comprehension #2 (page 32-33) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶aggravate /ag-ruh-veyt/ ▶adequate /ad-i-kwit/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌aggra.. 더보기
01/02/2022 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 01/02/2022 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Recent News and Events _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶appraisal /uh-prey-zuhl/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌appraisal (noun) - an act of assessing something or someone Example: Many companies operate regular job appr.. 더보기