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💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom
💎Date: 10/25/2023
Course: Debate English
Book: Express Yourself 1
Title/Page: Points to Ponder 7 to Comprehension Question #2 (page 75-81)

▶sacred /say-kruhd/
▶sacrifice /sa-kruh-fise/
▶being /bee-uhng/

📌Raft (noun): A flat, buoyant platform or boat typically made of logs, planks, or inflatable material, used for floating on water.

Example sentence: They enjoyed a peaceful day of fishing on a small raft in the middle of the lake.

📌Afloat (adjective/adverb): Floating on the surface of water or a liquid, often used to describe objects or vessels that are not sinking.

Example sentence: The life jacket kept him afloat in the deep pool.

📌Raft of money: typically refers to a large amount or substantial sum of money. It is an informal way of expressing that there is a considerable or substantial quantity of money involved.

Example sentence: The successful entrepreneur accumulated a raft of money through wise investments and hard work.

📌Afloat (adjective/adverb): To remain in a financially stable or viable condition, often used to describe a business, project, or organization that is not failing or going bankrupt.

Example sentence: Despite facing financial challenges, the small family-owned store managed to stay afloat and continue operating.

📌Tranquility (noun): A state of calmness and peacefulness, free from disturbances or agitation.

Example sentence: The serene lake and surrounding mountains provided a sense of tranquility to all who visited.

📌Quarrel (noun/verb): A heated argument or dispute between people, often involving strong emotions and differences of opinion.

Example sentence: They had a quarrel about where to go for the vacation, but they resolved it with compromise.

📌Chum (noun): A close friend or companion, someone you spend time with and share activities or experiences.

Example sentence: He and his chum have known each other since childhood and do everything together.

📌Akin (adjective): Sharing a similarity or having common qualities, often used to describe things or people that are related or alike.

Example sentence: The two languages, Spanish and Portuguese, are akin to each other due to their shared Latin origins.

📌Very being (noun): The essential or fundamental nature of a person or thing, often referring to the core existence or identity.

Example sentence: Her passion for art was part of her very being; she couldn't imagine a life without it.

✖You said: I sit on my desk.
✔Better say: I sat at my desk.

✖You said: We need a lot of money to raise a children.
✔Better say: We need a lot of money to raise children.

✖You said: Friends is the relationship that we can sacrifice something when we need. Friends is the relationship that you think more importance than acquaintances.
✔Better say: Friends are the relationships in which we are willing to sacrifice for each other. Friends are the relationships that we value more than our relationships with acquaintances.

✖You said: Acquaintances are the people who I just know and can spend time together time to time.
✔Better say: Acquaintances are people I know and spend time with occasionally.
🔴 Homework:
Please take note of what you learned in this lesson and apply it in your future conversations.
Course: Free Talking
Topic: Things you want to do before the year ends

'Speaking' 카테고리의 다른 글

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