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💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom
💎Date: 09/11/2023
Course: Article English
Title: In Japan, the young find dating so hard their parents are doing it for them
Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/02/asia/japan-speed-dating-parents-low-fertility-intl-hnk/index.html

📌Condiment (noun) - A condiment is a substance, such as ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise,that is added to food, typically after cooking, to impart a specific flavor, to enhance the flavor, or to complement the dish.

Example sentence: I like to add some mustard as a condiment to my hot dog.

📌Fork out (phrasal verb) - To fork out means to spend or pay a significant amount of money, often reluctantly.

Example sentence: I had to fork out a lot of money to repair my car after the accident.

📌Notorious (adjective) - Means famous or well-known, typically for something negative or infamous.

Example sentence: Al Capone was a notorious gangster during the Prohibition era.

📌Lonesome (adjective) - Lonesome describes the feeling of being lonely or isolated, often in a sad or melancholic way.

Example sentence: He spent a lonesome evening at home, missing his friends.

✖You said: I took a rest enough.
✔Better say:  I rested enough. // I had enough rest. // I took enough rest.

✖You said: I came back from Daejeon by driving.
✔Better say: I drove back from Daejeon. // I came back from Daejeon by car.

✖You said: Japanese young people don't have interest in getting married.
✔Better say: Many Japanese young people are not interested in getting married.

✖You said: The Japanese situation is very similar to Korea situation.
✔Better say:  The situation in Japan is very similar to the situation in Korea.

✖You said: When I was 20s or 30s, I saw many people like that.
✔Better say:  When I was in my 20s or 30s, I saw many people like that.

✖You said: The parents attend to matchmaking event.
✔Better say:  The parents attend matchmaking events.
🔴 Homework:
Please take note of what you learned in this lesson and apply it in your future conversations.
Course: Debate English
Book: Express Yourself 1
Title/Page: Express Yourself 10 (page 69)

'Speaking' 카테고리의 다른 글

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