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10/31/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/31/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Comprehension Question #3 to Express Yourself #2 (page 81) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶challenge /cha - luhnj/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Strangle (verb): To choke or suffocate so.. 더보기
2023.10 커뮤니케이션 코스 어시스팅 두번째로 거대한 맹점을 발견했다. 너무 만연해서 그동안 안 보였던 것. 내 듣기에 있던 필터는 ‘별 것도 아닌 게 나대고 있네’ 타인에게, 무엇보다 나,나,나,나에게. 정말? 이게 있었다고? 그야말로 냉장고 속의 그랜드캐년을 발견한 것처럼 깜짝 놀랐다. 눈물도 났지. 진짜 발견하면 이렇게 놀라게 되는구나 새롭게 경험했다. 초등학교 1학년 청소시간에 있었던 그 일은 코스를 두번이나 듣는 동안에도 나에게 그냥 이미지로만 남아 있었는데 이렇게 나에게 영향을 주고 있을 거라고는… 정말 생각할 수록 당황스러울 정도로 그 영향이 크다. 그땐 어렸으니까 그럴 수도 있는 일이라고 여겼는데그건 억지로 그 일을 덮고 있었을 뿐. 이래서 친밀하다고 생각하는 사람들과의 사이에서도 벽이 느껴졌었나? 그래서 그렇게 조심스럽게 굴.. 더보기
10/30/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/30/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: 82-year-old Korean man has heart attack after choking on ‘live octopus’ dish Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/25/asia/south-korea-sannakji-octopus-intl-hnk/index.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Allegedly (adverb): Used to indicate that.. 더보기
10/27/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/27/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: AirAsia chief Tony Fernandes criticized after posting shirtless massage photo on LinkedIn Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/19/business/airasia-tony-fernandes-shirtless-photo-backlash-intl-hnk/index.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Blowb.. 더보기
10/26/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/26/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 7 to Comprehension Question #2 (page 75-81) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Latent (adjective): Describing something that exists but is not currently active or visible. It's hidden or dormant and has.. 더보기
10/25/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/25/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 7 to Comprehension Question #2 (page 75-81) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶sacred /say-kruhd/ ▶sacrifice /sa-kruh-fise/ ▶being /bee-uhng/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌.. 더보기
10/25/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/25/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 7 to Comprehension Question #2 (page 75-81) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶sacred /say-kruhd/ ▶sacrifice /sa-kruh-fise/ ▶being /bee-uhng/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌.. 더보기
10/24/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/24/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Points to Ponder 4-6 (page 74-75) _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: You can choose the design or structure of house after seeing the examples. We can see many examples but in terms of relationship with .. 더보기
10/20/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/20/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Enjoying Halloween in Itaewon sparks debate online Link: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231016000678 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶locales /low-kalz/ ▶analyze /AN-uh-lyze/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌.. 더보기
10/19/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/19/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Aging _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Dermatologist (noun): A medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions and diseases related to the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists are trained to address a wide r.. 더보기
10/18/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/18/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Let’s Talk Funny - Question 3 to Points to Ponder 3 (page 73-74) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶thaw /thaa/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Thaw (verb): To change from a frozen or solid s.. 더보기
10/17/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/17/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Read and Discuss - Question 3 (page 72) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Dermatologist (noun) - A medical professional who specializes in treating and diagnosing skin-related conditions. Example: If you have a skin ra.. 더보기
10/16/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/16/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: Japanese Company Launches Vertical Pods That Let You Sleep Standing Up Link: https://www.odditycentral.com/news/japanese-company-launches-vertical-pods-that-let-you-sleep-standing-up.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Pod (noun) - A small, enc.. 더보기
10/13/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/13/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: The Asian Games’ golden ticket: South Korea’s esports stars target medal success – and a military exemption Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/26/sport/esports-asian-games-military-exemption-medals-hnk-spt-intl/index.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABU.. 더보기
10/12/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/12/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Musical Experience _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: I had headache a bit. ✔Better say: I had a bit of a headache. ✖You said: I suddenly get very nice seats of the performance. ✔Better say: I suddenly got very nice seats for the perfo.. 더보기
오페라의 유령, 또 행복해. 자여섯 2023.10.11 14:30 완벽한 하루였다. 내가 사랑하는 맑은 가을 날, 삶을 나눌 수 있는 은영언니와 몽드샬롯 식당에서 밥을 먹으며 스토리텔링과 식사를 함께 즐길 수 있다는 새로운 세계를 경험하고, 소중한 내 배우 조승우의 굉장한 공연과 그의 퇴근길까지 함께 할 수 있었던 마법같은 하루. 1층 중앙에 그런 자리가 공연 하루 전 날 취켓으로 나온 것, 내가 클릭 했을 때 다른 사람한테 선점당하지 않고 결제까지 갔던 것, 평일 낮 2:30분인데 바로 그날 하루 쉬어아겠다고 생각하고 있던 구미에 사는 은영언니가 시간을 내서 서울에 올 수 있었던 것이 착착착 일어나 이런 날도 있구나 싶었던 하루. 자리가 좋아서였는지, 대구는 차치하고 어쩌면 정말 마지막 조유령 보는 날이 될 수 있을 거라는 마음으.. 더보기
10/10/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/10/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Dialog - Questions 3 to Read and Discuss - Question 2 (page 71-72) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Objective (noun/adjective) - A goal or aim that is clear and based on facts, without personal bias or feelings. Examp.. 더보기
10/06/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/06/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Chuseok Holiday _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Vie (verb) - To compete eagerly or strive for something. Example: Several talented artists vied for the coveted first place prize in the competition. 📌Coveted (adjective) - Desired or wished for by ma.. 더보기
10/05/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 10/05/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Chuseok Holiday _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌prescribe (verb) - (of a doctor) to say what medical treatment someone should have Example: I've been prescribed painkillers. 📌chip in (phrasal verb) - to give some money when several people are givin.. 더보기
09/27/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/27/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Dialog - Questions 1-2 (page 71) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Resemble (verb) - means to have a similar appearance or likeness to someone or something else. Example: The two sisters closely resemble each other, wi.. 더보기
09/26/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/26/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Dialog (page 70-71) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶dealt /delt/ ▶kids /kidz/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Entail (Verb) - To involve or require as a necessary part or consequence. Exam.. 더보기
오페라의 유령, 계속 행복해! 자셋 2023.08.23, 자넷 2023.09.03 세 번째, 네 번째 관극은 보고 나서 계속 든 생각, 크리스틴이 연민을 넘어, 유령을 사랑할 수 있는 가능성이 있었을까? 음악의 천사님이야, 그런데 누군지는 잘 몰라, 엄격한 분이고 조금 두렵고 경외심이 들어, 마스크 제껴보니 흉측해서 무서워, 그런데 목소리는 영혼을 채워주듯 신비로워. 혼란스러워. 그 와중에 어릴 때 친구가 엄청 멋있게 자라서 극장주인이 되어 나타났는데 나 사랑한대. 나도 좋아! 이 상황에 크리스틴이 유령에게 사랑의 감정을 느낄 겨를이 있었을까? 애초에 서로 사랑하는 관계로 나아갈 수 있는 관계 맺기가 아니었다는 생각을 해보았다. 돌이켜 보면 그랬던 것 같다. 짝사랑을 하면 내 마음이 너무 커서, 오히려 상대의 마음이 보이지 않아 관계.. 더보기
09/25/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/25/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: There’s a laxative shortage in the US — partly thanks to ‘budget Ozempic’ TikTok trend Link: https://nypost.com/2023/09/08/theres-a-laxative-shortage-thanks-to-budget-ozempic-tiktok-trend _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶dysfunction /dis-FU.. 더보기
09/22/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/22/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: This Airline Is the Latest to Announce a 'No Kids Zone' on One of Its Long-haul Flights Link: https://www.travelandleisure.com/corendon-airlines-child-free-zone-7963992 _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶curacao /kur-uh-sau/ _________________.. 더보기
09/21/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/21/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Dating 2 _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: We bring it tomorrow again. ✔Better say: We'll bring it tomorrow again. // We’ll go back tomorrow. ✖You said: You can part in a rivalry situation. ✔Better say: You can take part in a rivalry... 더보기
09/20/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/20/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Opinion Samples (page 70) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Instill (verb) - To gradually and firmly introduce or implant a particular idea, habit, or quality in someone. Example sentence: "Parents often try to instill.. 더보기
09/14/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/14/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Free Talking Topic: Dating _________________________________ 🛠️ SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ✖You said: Conversation with her is always joyable. ✔Better say: Conversation with her is always enjoyable. // Our conversations are always enjoyable. // I always enjoy talking to her. ✖You said: The firs.. 더보기
09/13/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/13/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself 15-19 (page 69) _________________________________ 🎧 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE ▶kids /kidz/ ▶live /liv/ ▶leave /leev/ ▶amicably /uh-MIK-uh-blee/ _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Discordant (adjective) - W.. 더보기
09/12/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/12/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Debate English Book: Express Yourself 1 Title/Page: Express Yourself 10-14 (page 69) _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌courier (noun) - a person or company that takes messages, letters, or packages from one person or place to another Example sentence: I want to have thi.. 더보기
09/11/2023 💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom 💎Date: 09/11/2023 _________________________________ 📝 TODAY'S LESSON: Course: Article English Title: In Japan, the young find dating so hard their parents are doing it for them Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/02/asia/japan-speed-dating-parents-low-fertility-intl-hnk/index.html _________________________________ 🔍 VOCABULARY WORDS 📌Condiment (noun) - A condiment.. 더보기