During staying in UK, one of my decisions to do was full 3 days assisting for Landmark forum.
My role was Production Supervisor.
I had come to do it because I was the only person who does assisting for 3 days in production team.
I just took the role with quick check lists.
What I have got with this is that the life JUST happen and things come without any reason.
Then what matters is how I deal with it.
JUST face them without reason.
I trained myself to work with partnership.
I used to be judgemental for people who work with me and separate people into whom I am happy to work with and not.
And I used to get frustrated by people who were not interested in enough what they have to do.
But when I assigned tasks people who worked with me I saw myself.
Sometimes I didn't give enough instructions for them to do things well or sometimes I didn't empower them enough.
All I had to do was giving them enough information of instruction and intention of the tasks and having a conversation to know what they were dealing with.
That is my self-development point.
For 3 days, it was physically very challenging.
However I have come to notice that I collapse my physical state and emotion and task.
Especially when my feet get heart I lost my mind.
I have learned a bit how to deal with and hold myself.
For the first time, in my life.
I have come to feel I would like to say something.
Thing that I make meaningful sounds with my mouth seems to be fun.
I used to hate talking, speaking which causes many problems between people and which I am not good at.
However now I want to talk with people and I want to make my voice and words beautiful.
That will be one kind of self-expression and this is how I can connect to people.
I need to talk as much as I can and give people how I think and how I feel.
I used to have an expectation for people to understand everything with my just a few words which I told them.
I discover this through the conversation with my mum.
She doesn't like me to do assisting though I don't need to pay tuition for it and just was worrying about me.
I couldn't understand why she doesn't like that I do this work when she knows what I have got from it.
I realised that actually she doesn't know what I have really got from the assisting programme because I never told her exactly what I have done and what kind of value I have got.
Very very little change to talk but a big difference.
"I have got a big value, mum" vs. "I did assisting as a production supervisor and I have learned how to manage people and how to talk with people effectively"
I want to develop myself as a good and authentic talker.
I was THE person who made a difference in this WORLD.
런던에서 랜드마트 포럼 3일 어시스팅으로 얻은 것.
삶의 일들은 이유없이 그냥 일어나고, 나에게도 일도 이유없이 주어진다.
그냥 이유없이 대처하면 된다.
함께하는 동료로서 일하는 방법을 배웠다.
사람들에게 일을 줄 때, 그 일을 왜 하는 지에 대한 의도와 어떻게 하는 지에 대한 안내를 제대로 주는 것,
그리고 그 일이 자기를 계발하는 기회로 그들이 활용할 수 있도록 대화하고 힘을 주는 것.
내가 어떤 상황에서든 매니저로 일을 하게 되면 이렇게 꼭 하고 싶다.
내 계발 포인트다.
처음으로 태어나서, 뭔가 말하고 싶은 느낌을 느꼈다.
나는 사람들 간에 오해를 만들어 내고, 내 말은 그다지 힘이 없다고 생각해서 많이 말하는 게 싫었는데, 내 입으로 의미있는 말들을 내뱉는 게 재밌을 것 같다는 생각이 처음으로 들었다.
내 목소리와 말들을 아름답게 만들고 싶다.
그리고 말을 할 때 상대방이 이해할 수 있도록 충분하고 세세하게 말을 해서 상대방과의 이해도를 맞추는 작업이 나를 세상에 표현하는 하나의 방법이자 다른 사람과 연결되는 커뮤니테이셔의 중요한 방법이 될 수 있다는 것을 알았다.
엄마와 대화하면서 내가 랜드마크에서 하는 활동들이 큰 도움이 되고 있다는 것을 알면서 왜 내가 이일을 하는 것을 싫어하는지 이해 할 수 없었는데, 내 표현 방법이 그녀를 이해시키지 못했다는 것을 알았다.
"엄마 나 어시스팅하고 큰 가치를 얻었어" 와 "엄마 나 어시스팅하면서 사람들 어떻게 관리하고 어떻게 하면 효과적으로 사람들이랑 얘기하는 지를 배웠어"는 분명히 다르다.
진정하게 말하고 사람들에게 닿을 수 있는 사람으로 나를 계발하고 싶다.
나는 주말동안 이 세계의 100명의 사람들의 삶에 변화를 바로 그 사람이었다.
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