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💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom
💎Date: 02/14/2025
Course: Article English
Title: Valentine’s Day and its Asian versions, from Japan’s White Day to the Qixi festival
Link: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/chinese-culture/article/3298183/valentines-day-and-its-asian-versions-japans-white-day-qixi-festival

▶ glutinous /GLOO-tuh-nuhs/
▶ contemporary /kun-TEM-puh-rer-ee/
▶ phonetic /fuh-NET-ik/
▶ elaborate (adj.) /ih-LAB-er-it/, (verb) /ih-LAB-uh-rayt/

📌 Lantern (noun): A portable light source, often enclosed in a protective case with glass or paper sides.
Example sentence: "They carried a lantern to light their way through the dark forest."

📌 Cater (verb): To provide food, services, or needs for an event or a specific group of people.
Example sentence: "The restaurant caters for weddings and large gatherings."

📌 Cater (verb): To provide or satisfy the needs or desires of a person or group.
Example sentence: "The new TV show caters to a younger audience with its modern themes and humor."

📌 143 (numerical slang): A way of saying 'I love you,' based on the number of letters in each word (1 = I, 4 = love, 3 = you).
Example sentence: "He texted '143' to his girlfriend before going to bed."

📌 Practice (noun): The act of doing something regularly to improve or maintain skills.
Example sentence: "Daily practice is essential for improving your piano playing."

📌 Practice (noun): A custom, habit, or activity that is regularly followed or done by a group of people.
Example sentence: "From the 1950s, the practice of giving chocolates became more commonplace as other chocolatiers caught on and turned chocolate-giving into a national phenomenon."

📌 Chocolatier (noun): A person or company that makes or sells chocolate and chocolate products.
Example sentence: "The chocolatier crafted exquisite truffles for the special event."

📌 Confectionary (noun): A place where sweets, candies, and other sugary treats are made or sold; also refers to the sweets themselves.
Example sentence: "The shop is known for its wide selection of confectionary, including chocolates and gummies."

✖You said: These days, I bought a cup in the morning several times. And the sleeve is very thick and clean, so I thought it is a waste to throw it.
✔Better say: These days, I've bought a cup (of coffee) in the morning several times. And the (cup)sleeve is very thick and clean, so I thought it would be a waste to throw it away.

✖You said: In Valentine's, who give chocolate to which gender?
✔Better say: On Valentine's Day, who gives chocolate to which gender? (or) On Valentine's Day, who traditionally gives chocolate to whom?

✖You said: When I talk to 20s or early 30s, they use short words.
✔Better say: When I talk to people in their 20s or early 30s, they tend to use short words.
🔴 Homework:
Please take note of what you learned in this lesson and apply it in your future conversations.
Course: Article English
Title: Asian airline named world’s best for 2025 by AirlineRatings
Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/09/travel/worlds-best-airline-2025-airlineratings

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