💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom
💎Date: 05/24/2024
Course: Article English
Title: France Issues Scratch-and-Sniff Baguette Postage Stamps
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/18/world/europe/france-baguette-stamp-scratch-and-sniff.html
▶eiffel /eye-fl/
▶tricolor /trai-kuh-lr/
▶postage /pow-stuhj/
📌Sniff (verb): To breathe in through the nose to smell something.
Example sentence: "The dog sniffed the ground, looking for a scent."
📌Patron (noun): A person who supports or regularly visits a business, such as a store, restaurant, or theater.
Example sentence: "The coffee shop was popular with local patrons who came in every morning for their coffee."
📌Patron saint (noun): A saint who is considered to be a special guardian or protector of a particular place, group, or activity.
Example sentence: "Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland."
📌Gastronomy (noun): The art and science of good eating and cooking.
Example sentence: "He studied gastronomy to become a chef and learn about different cuisines."
✖You said: I wanna make new type of career.
✔Better say: I want to pursue a new career path.
✖You said: For French, baguette is really important culture outcome, so they made stamp to celebrate Summer Olympic.
✔Better say: For the French / For French people, baguette is a really important cultural symbol, so they made/issued a stamp to celebrate it ahead of the Summer Olympics.
✖You said: I visit France on my way to come back to Korea.
✔Better say: I visited France on my way back to Korea.
✖You said: I said about it to manager.
✔Better say: I told the manager about it.
🔴 Homework:
Please take note of what you learned in this lesson and apply it in your future conversations.
Course: Article English
Title: Another fallout of Japan's aging population - Akiya houses - and it's not looking good
Link: https://www.wionews.com/world/akiya-ageing-japans-population-decline-leaves-9-million-homes-empty-719687
Another fallout of Japan's ageing population - Akiya houses - and it's not looking good
Japan is facing a novel housing problem - too many houses and not enough people. As per reports, as the ageing nation struggles with the ever-declining population, the number of vacant houses in Japan has surged to an all-time high of nine million. To put
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