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💎Student's Name: Sujeong Yeom
💎Date: 03/25/2024
Course: Article English
Title: A new Banksy mural sprouts beside a cropped tree in London. Many see an environmental message
Link: https://apnews.com/article/new-banksy-mural-london-tree-6333ae9694085ce6951f9d263b9daada

📌mural (noun): A large painting or artwork, often done directly on a wall or ceiling.

Example sentence: The artist spent weeks creating a beautiful mural on the side of the building.

📌onlookers (noun): People who are observing an event or situation.

Example sentence: A crowd of onlookers gathered to watch the street performers.

📌pruned (verb): To trim or cut away parts of something, such as branches from a tree or unnecessary parts from a project.

Example sentence: The gardener pruned the bushes to give them a neater appearance.

📌discern (verb): To perceive or recognize something with difficulty or effort.

Example sentence: It was difficult to discern the details in the dimly lit room.

📌cusp (noun): A point of transition between two different states or conditions.

Example sentence: The company was on the cusp of launching its new product.

📌claimed (verb): To assert or demand ownership or control over something.

Example sentence: The explorer claimed the land for his country in the name of the king.

✖You said: He draw the drawing to make it look tree.
✔Better say: He painted the wall to make it look like a tree.

✖You said: The artist doesn’t say anything, but some people start to go there and watch there and think about the environment.
✔Better say: The artist didn't say anything, but some people started going there, looked at the mural, and thought about the environment / and contemplated its message about the environment.

✖You said: Her work has an impact on people, so if she think she can makes good influence on society, maybe someday she reveal her identity.
✔Better say: Her work has a powerful impact on people. If she believes she can make a positive influence on society, maybe someday she'll reveal her identity.
🔴 Homework:
Please take note of what you learned in this lesson and apply it in your future conversations.
Course: Debate English
Book: Express Yourself 1
Title/Page: Express Yourself 6 (page 93)

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